I just reduced the price of Katydid as an e-book from $1.99 to $1.49. The paperback version is now $6.50 down from $8.00. (but I think Amazon sets the price at about $5 as a discount)
I meant to do this after six months, but just got around to it. Better late than never.
As a novelette, and not a new release anymore, it is a better, perhaps more proper, price. Next stop, $0.99 e-book, probably after a year, or so, where it will languish. At that (Amazon) minimum price, you only get something like $0.35 for each sale, which is not much at all. At some point it will be offered for FREE on Smashwords. Maybe after 2 years, or so. The paperback will eventually fall to around $4.00, which is an Amazon minimum price. It, of course, will never be free.
I keep hoping against hope that Katydid will “go viral” and I will make something off of it. Even if it was only enough to get a new computer, which is MUCH needed at this point, that would be better than nothing. (if anyone knows Oprah, do me a solid and get her a copy – you never know, maybe she will like it and put it on her book club suggestion – I also keep hoping that the fact that the story has a strong female character will be noticed by someone – there aren’t enough stories with that in them)
I am also just publishing my FREE e-book short story singlet, Zombie Squad: A Taste of Future Death. More information soon about that.
There is a slight problem in that Amazon does not allow you to publish free e-books. You kind of can if you do a dance of some sort, but they are generally against it. I think this is poor marketing strategy and policy on their part, especially with the bad rap they’ve been getting lately regarding their corporate policies and other business practices and issues. It’s rather stupid, really.
Amazon should support the community and their customers and allow free e-books. Maybe someday when they get a clue. (there are actually MANY free e-books on Amazon, it’s just all very confusing and complex and I don’t know what all trying to figure it out how to do it and how it all works) Until then it will cost $0.99 there, but will be available for FREE at Smashwords and here. (maybe some people will want to support me and purchase the story anyway; or, if you want it to automatically download to your Kindle, you will have to pay the $0.99 as a surcharge fee – think of it like that)